How to be a consultant? A single definition does not exist. It’s about managing and configuring your client’s system, gathering their requirements for a new functionality, and explaining it all to the developers. It’s knowing the system from the financial to the production module, answering the questions right away during the workshops or pretending that the functionality you’re just showing was working yesterday and you don’t know what happened that it does not work today. But how to be a consultant and a mother at the same time? It’s a rollercoaster!
Few days ago, a friend of mine called and ask how do I manage the work and take care of the baby? It was her first day at work after the maternity leave… and of course the same day, the baby got sick! Reality where the kid goes to school, and you just sit, and work is something you only see on Netflix.
I remember when I decided to terminate my maternity and come back to work 2 months earlier than I should. After 4 days at pre-school the kid got covid, then I got it as well. I started my work with sick leave… The day of my return the little one got pneumonia. I remember I started my first meetings with ‘hello I’m back’, holding my baby on hands. I should have requested the salary for him as first Junior Business Central Consultant under 2 years old. Old enough to test new functionality by crashing them (perhaps he should become a tester?)
A year has passed and how do I feel now? Still the same. I planned a meeting at the office and my boy decided to have 38 degrees fever the day before at 10 PM… and not because he is excited mum is running some workshops the next day. Luckily there is other superhero at home – dad! Honestly, if you ever find the nanny when your kid is sick, you will be as happy as when you will find the functionality in the new release which client requested, so you don’t have to spend time to explain it to developers (not because I don’t like developers, I’m personally going to marry one).
What to do when you must work, and the baby is at home? Don’t give up! If the baby is old enough cartoons are good for the meetings time (basic knowledge for each working mum). The most important is to find the time for the baby because he is the most important in your life. You will work till late night to do your task but it’s worth it.